Principles Methods of Reading Language Arts in Elementary Schools

Educational Publishers

Substantially, there are actually just three big educational publishers left - MacMillan McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and Houghton-Mifflin. While

others exist, the market is dominated past these iii and, every bit such, the bulk of the business from schools tends to go to one of these companies.

The reading programs below should not be considered an exhaustive listing. Notwithstanding, they are amidst the more popular choices today, and ones that should exist considered for a shortlist if you are looking to invest in a new series.

Treasures: MacMillan/McGraw-Hill (Pre-K-6)

Treasures Reading Program Student Textbook

The Treasures simple reading program is a enquiry-based curriculum solution that is designed to cover vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, phonemic awareness, spelling, grammer and writing. A educatee textbook accompanies the series and it includes a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Leveled reader books are available for the instruction of guided reading groups, and online activities that mirror the cardinal objectives can be used to help reinforce some essential skills. Although Treasures is a very well-counterbalanced serial with good attention to all the main facets of reading, the vocabulary instruction is mayhap the strongest element of the series, and something that information technology should be commended for.

Imagine It!: SRA/McGraw-Hill (Pre-Yard-half dozen)

Imagine It! has a strong technology component to their reading program. They openly boast that their E-Suite of interactive teaching resources is "the simply standards-based, fully integrated technology program" for elementary students, and at that place is no denying that it looks to have some actually good components. Information technology includes everything from lesson slides and online assessment programs to videos, alphabet books and more. However, the core reading elements are near as expert as you volition find with an emphasis on the explicit teaching of five key reading skills. Big books, educatee readers, teacher read alouds and more are included, every bit are a multifariousness of genres to assistance engage your students. The latest version of this series is as well aligned to the Common Core Standards.

Storytown: Harcourt School (K-6)

Houghton Mfflin Harcourt Logo

When Harcourt set about creating the Storytown serial, they recruited Dr. Isabel Beck, a renowned educational professor who has researched and written about reading and vocabulary instruction at some length. Then, as you can imagine, the vocabulary components of Storytown are handled very well. Notwithstanding, at that place is a lot more to it than just good vocabulary instruction. Cross- curricular study links, leveled readers, and a audio writing component brand up the rest of this versatile serial. All of this makes Storytown one of the best all-round reading programs for uncomplicated students.

Reading Street: Scott Foresman/Pearson (Pre-Grand-6)

Reading Street is a thematic-based reading program that opts for ane main idea to connect all the texts in a unit. This is a popular concept, and one that is employed by many publishers, just it includes some more unique variations that help set up this serial autonomously. For case, the publishers are enlightened that great teaching does not necessarily mean following everything that there is to exercise in the instructor's transmission. As such, they provide alternative options for how you might desire to customize or adapt the lessons to better encounter the needs of your class. They also place a slightly greater accent on speaking and listening objectives. Lessons often first with a think-pair-share question that is related to the theme of the calendar week.

Literature: Glencoe/McGraw-Loma (vi-12)

Glencoe's Literature series, for middle and high schoolhouse students, uses a scaffolded skill ready to provide students with all the necessary reading skills that they need. Each unit of this programme includes a big thought question which is meant to help initiate an research-based learning approach that personalizes the curriculum to the student's own experiences. Skills assessments are modeled on country tests and a writing workshop is included for each unit of written report. Differentiated instructional models are included for the instructor who needs to teach above or below grade level, and a broad variety of genres similar fiction, poesy, historical documents, informational websites, and biographies are likewise featured.

Daybooks: Corking Source/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2-12)

_Great Source - Daybooks of Critical Reading & Writing Grades 6-8_

Daybooks is kind of a unique serial among K-12 reading programs. Publishers don't oft bridge a grade level as wide as this with a textbook series, but a lot of thought has gone into making this work. The texts are a combination of high involvement fiction and nonfiction works, and they provide some good diverseness of themes and genres. Pupil textbooks are in a periodical-like format with a infinite on each folio for students to record observations or questions they have about the texts. A strength of this series is the explicit comprehension skills that are taught, as well every bit the links it makes to writing instruction.

Literature (Common Core Edition): Prentice Hall/Pearson (vi-12)

This new series from Prentice Hall is based around the very latest Common Core reading objectives, and this lone could be a great fourth dimension saver for schools that are looking to brand certain that their reading curriculua are compliant with these new regulations. However, it besides includes a potent technology component that has laurels-winning digital resources for students, online diagnostic tests for teachers, and even iPad apps to support fundamental skill sets. The Prentice Hall Media Studio plan is also a not bad style for students to analyze and translate the media that they are exposed to on a daily ground. Information technology looks at motion-picture show, news and ad media. As a result, there is a lot to like about this Prentice Hall Literature serial.

How to Choose

Knowing what is out there is the starting time stride in choosing a new reading series, but you tin't brand any real decisions until you see them first hand. Contact the publishers directly, (links below), and enquire almost having some sample materials sent to your school for evaluation. Near publishers are more than than happy to do this.

So, construct a checklist of what you and your colleagues consider to be the cardinal aspects of a truly great reading programme, and exist certain to take into account any district priorities. What are your reading test scores telling you? What do yous call up is missing from your current reading series? What is really going to have the biggest bear on on learning in your classrooms?

Ultimately, there will likely be a degree of compromise involved every bit there may not be one programme that fulfills the needs of every grade level. In cases like this, all y'all tin do is go for the one that comes closest to your criteria. Later all, good teachers can always find time to customize it to see the needs of their students.

Resources and References

Treasures: Information and logo courtesy of MacMillan/McGraw-Hill

Imagine It!: SRA/McGraw-Colina

Reading Street: Scott Foresman/Pearson

Storytown: Information and images courtesty of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Daybooks: Cracking Source/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Literature: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

Literature (Common Core Edition): Prentice Hall/Pearson


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